Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Politicians and their views on education

Going into the profession of teaching, it is imperative that we pay attention to what our governors, senate, and president think about education. It is obvious that we all want a politician who is going to support and improve our school systems. The subject of politics is hard to wrap your head around and even harder to believe what any politician has to say. But by doing research and reading articles from multiple sources can prove to be very informational. 

The politicians running in the election today that have positive platforms in favor of advancing our school systems include but are not limited to, President Obama, Elizabeth Warren and John Tierney. I chose these three because they're beliefs are coincide with mine so I find it easier to discuss them with you. Along with the NEA I support President Obama in today's election because compared to Governor Romney on the topic of education, Obama blows him out of the water. 

President Obama's has enacted a reform on the student-loan program, the increase funding in pell grants, and the new income based repayment on federal loans,which greatly effects us who are in college today. As stated by Obama himself "We Democrats have focused on making sure that taxpayer dollars support high-quality education programs, but Mitt Romney is a staunch supporter of expensive, for-profit schools—schools that often leave students buried in debt and without the skills for quality jobs and that prey on our servicemembers and veterans." Obama is a huge supporter in the subject of higher education which is why he earned my vote today. He goes on to attack Mitt Romney once again and says "Tuition at public colleges has soared over the last decade and students are graduating with more and more debt," the platform went on to say, "but Mitt Romney thinks students should 'shop around' for the 'best education they can afford.' And he supports the radical House Republican budget that would cut financial aid for more than one million students while giving tax cuts to the rich." According to www.http://uffingtonpost.com/2012/09/05/dem-party-platform-college-education_n_1858987.html, the democratic platform also mentions support of tax credits for families that have children in college.President Obama has and continues to make great advances in education.

Another current politician who supports higher education is Elizabeth Warren, who wants to create a bigger focus on public schools and public universities. In her own words she describes her platform on education as "Good public schools, good public universities, and good technical training can give us a workforce better than any in the world. Well-trained workers are cost effective, and they can give us a powerful competitive advantage in world markets. Investments in our people pay the highest dividends." Voting those who want to advance our education system until office can only improve our country. 

http://www.johntierney.com/issues/Education states that John Tierney has been seated on the Education and Labor committee where he has since worked tirelessly to educational opportunities for Massachusetts' families. Being from Massachusetts this holds great meaning to me. 

From my research I can deduct that democrats place a much greater priority on education that republicans do. Reading on this subject and doing the research made me realize that I'm a democrat. It also gives me better insight into who I should vote for in future elections. Knowing about your politicians platform on education amongst other things is important to me seeing as I am a U.S citizen.

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